
This blog is for Mr. Hennessy's video classes: Photo & Video, Video & Studio and for the 2012-2013 look for the addition of the Advance Video Production class.

The Home page is an overview of happenings and thoughts from Mr. H. as well as some links to web-pages or tutorials that may help with aspects of the processes or software's used in class. There are tabs for each class should a parent or student want to check on class and homework assignments, PowerPoints, and other information about the particular class.

Finally, there are tabs displaying students work for each class. Be sure to check out the talent of all the students from all the video classes.

Photo and Video Students Works

Bubbleportation by Lindsay S                                       Key Frame Project

The Tower Challenge by Kevin M                                Key Frame Project

The Cloak by Zoe B                                                  Key Frame Project

Organizing My Goals (OMG) by Sarah and Shannon       Independent Study Project

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