
This blog is for Mr. Hennessy's video classes: Photo & Video, Video & Studio and for the 2012-2013 look for the addition of the Advance Video Production class.

The Home page is an overview of happenings and thoughts from Mr. H. as well as some links to web-pages or tutorials that may help with aspects of the processes or software's used in class. There are tabs for each class should a parent or student want to check on class and homework assignments, PowerPoints, and other information about the particular class.

Finally, there are tabs displaying students work for each class. Be sure to check out the talent of all the students from all the video classes.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The latest activities in the Video Production Class is the Spartan Network News.  The students have completed two editions and have many interviews.   The first show had a several mistakes but the students have reviewed the show and the 2nd show and the news stories shows that the students have learned from their mistakes and it is much improved over the first show.   The Photo and Video class finished the Photocomposition assignment by putting still images into a video with key frames or Ken Burns effect.  What this means is they made the pictures move on the screen.  The video portion of the assignment also introduced them to creating a voice over to describe the pictures as they relate to the rules of photo composition.   This class has now started to plan for a Lipdub.  This is a tribute to the old school with the students walking through the school lip syncing to Jackson Fives ABC.  Next year we will make a sequel for the new high school.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

We have just completed the second week of the third trimester and students are well on their way at completing the stories for the first show of Spartan Network News. Some of the stories include and interview with Mrs. K and her feelings about being a cancer surviver and the related fund raiser, the prom and promenade what goes into getting ready, Footloose, a great performance by the cast and crew. These stories and more will be completed by Wednesday at which time the studio is going to get its workout as students make the first taping of SNN Trimester 3 for the 2012 season. On another note this class and the Photo and Video class are beginning to work on the Lipdub. This lipdub will be a tribute to the old Uxbridge High School. Next year a follow-up or sequel is to follow as a tribute to the new school. Should be fun but it is a lot of planning.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Students will produce the news show for the high school which is called Spartan News Network. They create both news stories and Public Service Announcements to include in the program.   With students working as a studio crew they will follow a Student Director as they give the prompts that will add the music, camera images of the talent or news anchors, and microphones.  
Uxbridge High School has a great opportunity to include video classes as part of the Technology Education Department.  These classes allow students to learn how to make better videos as a hobby for home viewing, for classmates and parents at school and for some this maybe a stepping stone to a possible career in the video technology industry.

Welcome to the new blog which hopes to help students understand how to create great video!